LASIK Savings Calculator

With LASIK, you’ll save in the long term by cutting out the regular purchase of glasses, contact lenses, or contact lens solution.  Use our LASIK savings calculator and see how those little expenses can add up over time. LASIK can amount to more money in your pocket to put towards life’s future adventures.

Patient Portal Ways to pay Request an Appointment 1-800-243-2587

Our locations

1630 Gateway Drive
Sycamore, IL 60178
Mon - Thu: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 4pm

Mon - Thurs: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 8am - 4pm

4659 W. Foster Avenue
Chicago, IL 60630
Mon: 10am - 7pm
Tues: 9am - 6pm
Wed: 9am - 6pm
Thurs: 10am - 7pm
Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 3pm

2515 Klein Road
Sycamore, IL 60178